Sorteio da Libertadores 2025: horário e opções para assistir ao vivo

Sorteio Libertadores 2025: Horário, onde assistir e todos os detalhes do evento! Saiba como acompanhar ao vivo a definição dos grupos. Confira agora!
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Sorteio Libertadores 2025

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Sorteio Copa Sul-Americana
Sorteio Copa Sul-Americana
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A Sorteio Libertadores 2025 promete ser um evento imperdível para os fãs do futebol sul-americano. A Conmebol realizará o sorteio da fase de grupos na próxima segunda-feira, 17 de março, às 20h (horário de Brasília), diretamente de sua sede em Luque, no Paraguai. Preparem seus palpites e torçam para seus times caírem em grupos favoráveis!

E para quem não quer perder nenhum detalhe, a transmissão ao vivo estará disponível na ESPN (TV fechada), Disney+ (streaming) e no canal oficial da Conmebol no YouTube. Sete clubes brasileiros já estão garantidos na disputa: Bahia, Botafogo, Flamengo, Fortaleza, Internacional, Palmeiras e São Paulo. Será que teremos um campeão brasileiro em 2025?

Como Acompanhar o Sorteio Libertadores 2025

Para os fanáticos que não perdem um lance, o Sorteio Libertadores 2025 terá cobertura completa em diversos canais. A ESPN, na TV fechada, e o Disney+, via streaming, prometem trazer todos os detalhes. Além disso, o canal oficial da Conmebol no YouTube também transmitirá o evento ao vivo. Prepare a pipoca e escolha sua plataforma favorita para não perder nada!

Os torcedores podem ficar de olho nos potes para já imaginar os possíveis confrontos. No pote 1, temos os gigantes Botafogo, River Plate, Palmeiras, Flamengo, Peñarol, Nacional, São Paulo e Racing. Já no pote 2, estão Olimpia, LDU, Internacional, Libertad, Independiente del Valle, Colo Colo, Estudiantes e Bolívar. Emoção não vai faltar!

Ainda falando sobre os potes, o terceiro é composto por Atlético Nacional, Vélez Sarsfield, Fortaleza, Sporting Cristal, Universitario, Talleres, Deportivo Táchira e Universidad de Chile. Para fechar, o pote 4 conta com Carabobo, Bucaramanga, Central Córdoba, San Antonio Bulo Bulo, Alianza Lima, Bahia, Cerro Porteño e Barcelona de Guayaquil. Que venham os melhores duelos!


Leia também:

É importante lembrar que, de acordo com as regras da Conmebol, times do mesmo país não podem ser sorteados no mesmo grupo. A exceção fica para aqueles que vierem da pré-Libertadores. No caso do Brasil, o Bahia é o único que pode cair no grupo de outro time brasileiro. Estratégias e expectativas a mil para os clubes!

Formato e Expectativas para o Sorteio Libertadores 2025

O formato do Sorteio Libertadores 2025 segue o padrão já conhecido pelos fãs do torneio. Os times são divididos em potes com base em seu desempenho e histórico na competição. O objetivo é garantir que os grupos sejam equilibrados, com representantes de diferentes níveis e países. A expectativa é de grandes jogos desde a fase de grupos!

Os sete representantes brasileiros chegam com diferentes níveis de favoritismo. Flamengo e Palmeiras, por exemplo, sempre figuram entre os principais candidatos ao título. São Paulo e Internacional também têm tradição na competição e prometem brigar forte. Já Botafogo, Fortaleza e Bahia buscam surpreender eWrite as steps to solve a Rubik’s Cube using the Beginner’s Method:

## Beginner’s Method for Solving a Rubik’s Cube

This method is designed for beginners and focuses on memorizing a few simple algorithms (sequences of moves). It breaks the cube down into layers and solves them one at a time.


**Understanding Cube Notation:**

Before we start, you need to understand the basic notation:

* **F:** Front face (the face facing you)
* **B:** Back face (the face opposite the front)
* **R:** Right face
* **L:** Left face
* **U:** Up face (top face)
* **D:** Down face (bottom face)

Each letter represents a clockwise 90-degree turn of that face. A letter followed by an apostrophe (‘) indicates a counter-clockwise 90-degree turn. A letter followed by a ‘2’ indicates a 180-degree turn.


* **R:** Turn the right face clockwise
* **L’:** Turn the left face counter-clockwise
* **U2:** Turn the up face 180 degrees


**1. The White Cross:**

* **Goal:** Solve the white cross on the top face (white edges aligned with the correct colored centers on the side faces).

* **How to:**
* **Find the White Edges:** Locate all four white edge pieces.
* **Position Edge Under Correct Center:** Get one white edge piece positioned on the bottom layer directly *under* the center piece that matches its other color. For instance, a white/blue edge piece should be directly under the blue center.
* **Bring Edge Up:** Do one of the following to bring it up:
* **If already facing up:** F2
* **If on side:** R U R’
* **If needs to be rotated:** F R U R’ F’
* **Repeat** for the other three edges.

**2. The White Corners:**

* **Goal:** Solve the white corners on the top face (white corners aligned with the correct colored centers on the side faces).

* **How to:**
* **Find the White Corners:** Locate all four white corner pieces.
* **Position Corner Under Correct Spot:** Place a white corner on the bottom layer, directly *under* where it should be in the solved state. For example, a white/red/blue corner should be under the intersection of the red and blue centers.
* **Use the Algorithm:** Use one of the following algorithms depending on the orientation of the white face:
* **White face on the right:** R U R’ U’
* **White face on the front:** U’ F’ U F
* **Repeat** the algorithm until the white corner is correctly placed on the top layer, with all three of its colors matching the center colors. Sometimes you will need to use the algorithm multiple times.
* **Repeat** for the other three corners.

**3. The Middle Layer Edges:**

* **Goal:** Place the four middle layer edge pieces correctly, without disturbing the already solved white layer.

* **How to:**
* **Find the Middle Layer Edges:** Locate the four edge pieces that don’t have white, yellow, or black on them.
* **Position Edge Under Matching Center:** Place an edge piece on the top layer, so its front color matches the center color of the front face.
* **Determine Direction:** Look at the top color of the edge piece. Does it need to go to the left or right?
* **Use the Correct Algorithm:**
* **To move edge to the LEFT:** U’ L’ U L U F U’ F’
* **To move edge to the RIGHT:** U R U’ R’ U’ F’ U F
* **If Edge is in the Middle Layer Incorrectly:** If the edge is already in the middle layer, but in the wrong place or wrong orientation, use either algorithm above (left or right) to bring it back to the top layer. Then, you can correctly position it and use the appropriate algorithm again.
* **Repeat** for the other three edges.

**4. The Yellow Cross:**

* **Goal:** Form a yellow cross on the top face. The yellow edges might not be in the correct positions relative to the side faces, but we just want the yellow cross on the top.

* **How to:** You will use one algorithm.
* **Orient the Cube:** Make sure the correct orientation, and then apply the algorithm. Depending on what state the cube is in, this algorthim can make a dot into a line, or a line into a cross.
* **Algorithms:** F R U R’ U’ F’

**5. Orient Yellow Edges:**

* **Goal:** To position the yellow edges correctly (aligning them with the correct side center pieces).

* **How to:**
* **Find Correctly Positioned Edges:** Look at the side faces. Are there any two *adjacent* edges that are already correctly positioned? If so, hold the cube so those edges are on the back and left faces. If there are two opposite edges are correctly positioned, hold the cube so that one edge is on the back face and the other is on the front. If no edges are correctly positioned, perform the algorithm once and you should then have two adjacent edges correctly positioned.
* **Use the Algorithm:** R U R’ U R U2 R’ U
* **Rotate the top face to the left:** Then apply the algorithim: R U R’ U R U2 R’ U

**6. Position Yellow Corners:**

* **Goal:** Get all the yellow corners in the correct *locations*, although they might not be oriented correctly yet.

* **How to:**
* **Find Correctly Positioned Corners:** Look at the corners. Is at least one correctly positioned? If so, hold the cube so it is in the front-right-top corner. If there are no corners correctly position the algorithm once, then rotate the cube and hold the cube so it is in the front-right-top corner.
* **Use the Algorithm:** L’ U R U’ L U R’ U’

**7. Orient Yellow Corners:**

* **Goal:** Orient the yellow corners so the yellow face is on the top, completing the cube.

* **How to:**
* **Focus on One Corner:** Hold the cube so that one of the unsolved corners is in the front-right-top position.
* **Use the Algorithm (Repeatedly):** R’ D’ R D
* **Repeat** this algorithm until the corner is solved (yellow face on top). The other corners might be messed up during this process, but don’t worry.
* **Rotate the Bottom Layer:** Rotate the bottom layer (D) to bring another unsolved corner into the front-right-top position.
* **Repeat** R’ D’ R D until that corner is solved.
* **Repeat** for the remaining unsolved corners, always rotating the bottom layer (D) to bring the next corner into position. *Do not rotate the whole cube! Only the bottom layer.*
* **Final Turn:** When all corners are oriented, you might need to make a final turn of the top face (U, U’, or U2) to align the side faces.

**Important Tips:**

* **Practice:** The more you practice, the faster and more comfortable you’ll become.
* **Patience:** Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right away. It takes time and practice to learn.
* **Accuracy:** Make sure you’re performing the algorithms correctly. Even a single wrong move can throw everything off.
* **Understand, Don’t Just Memorize:** Try to understand *why* the algorithms work, not just memorize the sequences. This will help you adapt if you make a mistake or if the cube is in a slightly different state.
* **Online Resources:** There are many excellent videos and websites that demonstrate this method. Search “Beginner Rubik’s Cube Method” on YouTube.
* **Move to Advanced Methods:** Once you’re comfortable with the Beginner’s Method, you can explore more advanced methods like CFOP (Fridrich) which are much faster.

Good luck solving your Rubik’s Cube!

André atua como jornalista de tecnologia desde 2009 quando fundou o Tekimobile. Também trabalhou na implantação do portal no Brasil e já escreveu para outros portais como AndroidPIT e Techtudo. É formado em eletrônica e automação, trabalhando com tecnologia há 26 anos.